A lot has happened since mom last wrote on here, so I'll try to summarize the past couple of months with a few pictures. Here I am with my Halloween costume, I was a cowgirl, all I'm missing is my hat, mom couldn't find one that was just my size, but she found the boots, so we just went with it. We went to our Fall Family fun night at church that night. We had a good time, next year I may be able to play some of the games, I was a little scared of things this year, but it was fun to watch everyone else.

On November 13th, we had our Adoption Day. I got to go with mom and dad to court to finalize the adoption. The judge was very nice and when she asked mom and dad a question, I wanted to answer too, so I said,"Yes",or what sounded like a yes, so everyone thought that was really cool and I got a laugh from those who came to support mom and dad and me. We have such good friends and family. We were only in the courtroom for maybe 5 minutes and then it was all done. We went to Black Eyed Pea for a celebration lunch and then later that night we met with friends and my mommy's family and Grandpa and Grandma for a fun dinner at White Fence Farm. It was a great night and day.

This was the outfit that I wore for my adoption day. I love polka dots and I thought I looked so cute. Okay, so I didn't leave the hat on for very long, but mom had to get one picture of me with it on.

We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas early with daddy's family, because mommmy had to work the day after, so we took a little trip to see them and this is a picture of me and all my cousins. We had a good time playing together, but it soon became overwhelming with so many of them and only me, so I had to take a few naps to get away to have some of "me" time. It was strange the next day when it was just me again and I got all the attention. I decided I like it better that way.
On Thanksgiving day we went to my cousin's house here and spent part of the day together with mommy's family. It was fun to explore a new place and see what I could get into that I wasn't suppose to be into. Things everywhere. I'm glad that I didn't break anything or I would have made mom and dad sad. It turned out to be a good day and I am thankful for my family and friends who love me so much.

Grandma and Grandpa gave me a wagon for Christmas, so now we can take lots of walks with that and I can put lots of things in it too. There is room for a friend to go with me too. We can each have our own seat. Yeah! I wonder what else I'll get for Christmas.
Sorry that it took so long to get back to you all. Mom promises that she will try to get better about updating this, because she knows how much my audience misses me. As far as things I'm doing, I haven't taken any steps yet, but I move around furniture and I jabber quite a bit, still working on words, lots of dadadadaa and mamamamama and babababa. Oh, and I have two teeth on the bottom now, so I can gum different foods like crackers, bread, pasta, things like that. My eating has gotten better too, now that I have so many more choices. I hope that you have a great week and we'll talk soon. Bye for now.