Saturday, December 25, 2010
Today is Christmas and I had lots of fun. It was a busy day, but I was a good girl. I got up and had breakfast with mommy and daddy and grandma. We read the story about the birth of a King and then we got to open the presents. I got lots of fun things, clothes, toys, and books. I even got my first set of crayons and a coloring book. I was very careful about putting all the paper in the trash bag after I opened each gift. I took a nap and then we went over to my aunt and uncle's house to have Christmas dinner and open some more gifts. I had lots of fun checking out the house, going up and down the stairs and being the entertainment for everyone else. I am still working on my words, but repeating a little bit more. My mommy is working on a scrapbook for me, so I got to take pictures with my cousins. Everyone wanted to get in on that one. We are heading to Nebraska for a few days to spend time with daddy's family and have our next Christmas celebration. I hope that you had a very Merry Christmas and that your New Year is blessed. Bye for now.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
We had thanksgiving at my cousins, Jesse and haley's house. They have a big dog(labradoodle) named Weston that always wanted to play with me, but he is so much bigger than me that I sometimes liked it, but mostly didn't. I had fun exploring the house though, they have lots of rooms and doors that I can open, so I took a lot of joy in opening and closing cupboard doors. I am doing well and growing fast. I am still working on saying more words. Yesterday, mommy and I put up the christmas tree together. I helped put up a couple of ornaments, but I discovered that it is more fun to take them down than to keep them on the tree. Mom has lots of boxes of christmas stuff, so I had fun getting into each one of them. I think she was more tired than I was from making sure that I didn't break anything. All the breakables are up high, so I can't reach the pretties. I hope that you have a great rest of your weekend. It has been fun having mom and dad both home most of the day the past couple of days. They are my entertainment. Bye for now.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
pumpkin patch and fall days
We went to Rock Creek Pumpkin Patch for the afternoon. It was windy and kind of cold, but we had a good time. I got to pet a calf and some goats. I walked on the hay bales and had fun running around a bit too. This is our tradition now. we have to visit the pumpkin patch in the fall. I am 20 months old now. Moving and climbing on everything. I keep mom on her toes, someone has to. It is such a nice day today that we took some pictures out in the leaves. I like how they crunch under my feet when I walk. I am suppose to be resting, but instead I'm kicking on the crib and jabbering. Anyway, it keeps me awake. I hope that you have a great weekend. Bye for now.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Just a few more pictures of my days
I can't believe that I am 19 months old already. I have been busy. I'm still working on talking, so I don't have any words, but it'll and dad just have to be patient. Here are some pictures of me doing what I do best. I love to play and I love to try to dress myself now. I am finding out where my legs go and which shoe goes on which foot. I always put my shoes on my right foot even those that go on my left foot. I also like to try to put a shoe on top of a shoe. You can find shoes of mine all over the house. I guess I am a true girl, so many shoes....anyway. I hope you enjoy my pictures. Have a great rest of your week.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Seven falls
We went to Seven Falls in Colorado Springs yesterday. It was a fun day. I am getting good at hiking too. The waterfalls were really pretty and amazing. Dad carried me in the backpack up the long stairs. I got to get out and hike for awhile when we got to the top. I had to sit and take a break every once in awhile, but then I'd get up and go some more. I was a dirty, dirty girl, I guess that's what happens when I play in the dirt. I may have eaten a rock or two too, but I'm ok. It is always fun when we get to do things together as a family. Daddy took the day off, so we could spend it together. Mommy and daddy thought I would be really tired today, but I wasn't so I didn't take very much of a nap. Tomorrow, we get to go to a BBQ after church. I'm sure it will be fun too. I don't have much else to say, I hope you have a good rest of your weekend. Bye for now.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
18 month check
Hi was my 18 month old check with the doctor. It went okay. I found out that I am 2 feet, 7 inches tall, I weigh 18 pounds and 14 ounces and my head circumference is 18.19 inches around. I am little so mom is going to have to feed me things with more fat in them. I still don't like meat, so I am going to be taking a multi-vitamin too, to bump up the vitamins I am missing from the meat. I am pretty active so all that I eat seems to just melt off of me. Otherwise the doctor said I was doing great. I am still working on my words. I can jabber up a storm, with all the effort, but getting understood is another story. Anyway, mom and dad and me are just vegging out today. I hope that you have a great week. Bye for now.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
What fun a wind chime can be.....
Mommy gave me this wind chime to play with and I had a great time shaking it and listening to it chime. I have a few more "words" added to my vocabulary. I now say "nigh, nigh" for night, night, I still say "bye" and "hi", "dog","wet" and I think that is all so far. I am getting so tall, so I can reach and just about open the front door, mom and dad have to keep an eye on me or I will be out the door faster than they can blink. I tried real hard yesterday to open it for someone at the door and almost made it. Jasper, our dog, sits and waits for me to open the door so she can make her own escape. I think it is going to get pretty interesting around here soon. I hope that you have had a good week so far. I think that's about it for now...enjoy the video. Bye for now.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Take me out to the ballgame

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A day in Breckenridge
We went with grandma to Breckenridge for the day yesterday. She hadn't been there in awhile, so we walked around and went swimming. We had a very nice little picnic lunch and I ate very well. I am getting to be a better eater now that I have a few more teeth. I am doing real well and growing a bunch. I am finally fitting in to my 12 month clothes. Here I am ready to get into the locker at the swimming place. I am liking to talk too, not so mom and dad know what I am saying, but I know what I am saying and I say a lot. Since daddy went on a trip to Canada, it's just mom, grandma and me. We have been doing a lot of fun things together. Picnic, shopping and other stuff, mommy has us booked with activities. It is always fun when grandma comes for a visit. She will leave on Thursday, and daddy will come home on Thursday. For the 4th of July, we went to my uncle Terry's house and had a nice dinner and then watched a little fireworks, but because of the rain, there weren't too many and I had to get to bed too. I am too busy to sit and watch fireworks, so they really aren't my thing just yet. Well, that's about all for now. I hope you had a wonderful 4th of july and a fun rest of your week. Bye for now.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
First Camping trip to North Dakota
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Not feeling so well
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
trip to Arizona
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
easter and other things
I had a good Easter. Mom and dad got me up at 5:15 am to go to a sunrise service, but I was so cold that mom and I just waited for daddy to get done speaking and then we had breakfast together. We went to our church after that and I played in the nursery and then we went to my uncle Terry's house for lunch and just spend some time with family. It was a long, but fun day. I only slept for a half an hour all day long. I am walking everywhere and getting into everything. I keep mom and dad on their toes for sure now. Mommy and me are heading to visit grandma tomorrow for about a week, I'll be taking my second plane ride. Mommy is a little stressed about it, since daddy isn't going to be there to help, but I'm sure she'll do just fine. I will try to be on my best behavior. :) I hope that you enjoy these pictures. I am not really doing anything "new" just still curious about everything and don't want to miss anything. I hope that you have a good week. bye for now.

Friday, March 19, 2010
Since the last two day were so beautiful, mommy and I decided to go on a picnic.We sat under a tree and had strawberries, pasta wheels, string cheese and some leftover blueberry pancake. I walked all over on the grass and decided then that I was a big girl and could walk wherever I wanted. Of course, I made sure that mommy was close by though. I met some more kids that were just my age too. We had fun playing together. Daddy and mommy and I went for a walk together and went to the park and I got to swing. I love to swing. I giggle and giggle when the wind goes through my hair. Tomorrow will be my 13 month birthday. I am getting so big. I am walking more and more each day and have learned how to not only go up the stairs, but also to go down the stairs. I always make sure to turn around and go backwards so I don't hurt myself. I cruise down the steps. I am so fast that I keep mommy on her toes for sure. I hope that you have a great weekend. Enjoy the pictures. Bye for now.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
Just the facts and another party
I had my one year doctor's appointment last monday and here is what is happening with me. I weigh 18 lbs. 5 oz and I am 29.25" tall and my head is 18" around. I am pretty small in the weight area, so I am still only wearing 6-9 month clothes, but in the height area, I am average and the head is a bit above average. That's because I am so smart:). I am taking more and more steps everyday and babbling quite a bit, I still haven't really formed any real recognizeable words, but I'm trying. I know what I'm saying. I also had to have shots that day (5 of them) OUCH! My legs were sore. After my adventure at the doctor, we had another party with my birth family to celebrate my birthday. It was fun. I had a whole cake to get into this time. I was a mess. This is me and my birthmom, Mallisa. I got some fun things from them too. I got a sit and spin, which is a little big for me, but I look forward to playing on it. I also got two really cute outfits and a little stuffed bunny. I will post a picture of me in them soon, so you can see how cute I look. Thank you for the fun party and the fun gifts. It was fun to hang out together for a little bit. 

Let's see, what else has happened in the last week? mom and dad and I went swimming again at the rec center. It was fun, there were a lot of people there, so I got to do a lot of people watching, my favorite thing. Since the weather has been so nice, mom and I went for a couple of walks and dad and I went for a couple of runs. I am so looking forward to the nice weather, so we can take my wagon out for a spin. I think that's about all, I hope you have a great week, bye for now.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
I had a great first birthday. We had a party at Claim Jumper with family. I had balloons, presents and a red velvet cupcake all my own. Everyone took pictures of me and I didn't know for sure what to do with the cake. I took small bits of frosting to start and then mommy cut some of the cake and I tried some. I think I liked it, but I was so full from all the other food I ate that I didn't eat too much of it. Grandma and Grandpa B came for the day, so we played together. They decided to leave early because they were afraid they would get snowed in here, but we had a good time together anyway. I got lots of nice things. A couple of outfits, books, tractor, baby doll that giggles, sippy cups, plate and bowl , tickle monster puppet/book, noah's ark play toy, and I think that's all. I was so tired after the party, but I couldn't sleep, I guess that's what all the sugar does to me. I hope that you had a great day and thanks for checking in on me. Bye for now.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Playing in my room/my rocking chair
Sunday, January 31, 2010
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