For the last week and a half, I haven't felt real well. It all started with a cold and then I got a fever, so mom called the nurse to see if I should go to the doctor, she thought we should, so on Monday, mom, dad and I went to the walk-in clinic and waited for 1 1/2 hours and during that time I decided I felt fine, so I walked around and jabbered and ate a snack or two, all of the things I hadn't done in the last few day, so when I saw the doctor, she told mom and dad that I was doing just fine and getting better. The next day, was another story, I had a fever again and didn't want to do much of anything. I am now starting to feel better though, I am walking around and eating and drinking more than I had been, so that mom feels better too. We are getting ready to go on vacation next week to visit my grandma. It's for my mom's 20th High school reunion. We are going to camp, in a tent, my first time camping, we'll see how that goes. I'll have mom post pictures when we get back. My grandpa and grandma are coming for another visit this weekend. They sure do come a lot. I guess they must really love me that they make the drive as often as they do. Anyway, that's about all that's new with me. I am so glad it's been so nice out lately, we've been able to go on walks and just be outside. Yeah! I hope you have a great weekend. Bye for now.