We had a great trip to visit grandma in North Dakota. I had fun sleeping in the tent with mom and dad. We drove to Spearfish, South Dakota and stayed there one night and then on to North Dakota the next day to visit. Mommy had her 20th high school reunion get together there and then we did some other fun things too. We went to the zoo, had a couple of picnics and, since it was memorial weekend, we went to the cemetary to put flowers on grandpa's grave and my great grandparents graves as well. It was a busy trip, but good too. I have been eating so much more, that I finally have a little belly. Mom is glad that I have been doing better about eating, it was hard to know what to feed me. I am also babbling and singing more than before, sometimes mom thinks that I am saying words. I think that I am, she just doesn't understand what I'm saying yet. I hope that you had a good weekend. Now we are home and getting things unpacked and washed. There was lots of laundry to do, I did my part too. Well, have a great rest of your week. Bye for now.