Thursday, September 13, 2012

My first year in Florida

Here are pictures from our adventures from our first year in Florida.
Highlights were:

September       : Daddy was installed as Senior Pastor at Crystal Cove Community Church
                              : I learned to ride my tricycle
                              : Went to the ocean

October            : Pumpkin Patch

November        : Flew to TX for a wedding

December        : Grandma came for Christmas
                           : Angel in the Living Nativity
                           : Sat on Santa's lap
                           : Went to the beach on Christmas Day

January            : went on many different adventures

February          : Fell at the playground and had my first trip to the ER for stitches in my bottom lip
                           : My 3rd Birthday Party at Wall Springs Park

March               : Grandma & Grandpa came for Easter
                           : Easter egg hunts

April                  : Daddy went to NE for his grandpa's funeral and mommy & I stayed home.

May                   : Grandma & Grandpa came for another visit
                           : mommy started working at The Children's Place in the mall
                           : I started riding my bike with training wheels

June                  : Went to Rainbow River for a fun day in the COLD water

July                   : Played with Sparklers to celebrate the 4th of July

August              : Moved to a new house
                          : Grandma & Grandpa came again

There were many other things we did this past year, I just can't remember them all, but this will give you a small picture of what fun we had and how busy we were. Bye for now.