Monday, June 29, 2009

My first hike

mom and dad and me went on a hike to White Ranch in Golden. It was so much fun. I talked and laughed the whole time, no sleeping here. We were gone for about an hour and a half which was long enough for me, I was getting a little crabby by the end, but I can't wait to go on another hike. It was so pretty, I saw lots of wildflowers, white, blue, pink, purple, yellow. I could see for miles and miles at one point, daddy said we could probably see all the way to Kansas, wherever that is, that must be a long ways away.
We went on a hike and I got to go swimming again later that day with mom. I was pretty tired by the end of Saturday and I had to be up and ready to go to church the next day and see lots more people. I did real well though, slept and ate and gave my smiling face to those who visited with me. I had a good weekend, I hope that you did too. Bye for now.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

My first semi-solid food

I tried rice cereal for the first time on Tuesday, not sure about's not the greatest thing in the world, I much prefer my formula and the bottle, I know that mom and dad are going to keep trying to get me to eat the cereal, but I'm not sure I can get used to that in my mouth. Mom just puts some in and then gives me the bottle as fast as she can, so that I will swallow the cereal, good thinking. What an adventure this eating thing is going to be. I think that I am up for the challenge though. This was my exciting news I was going to share with you yesterday, but then mom got busy so she couldn't type what I told her to type. Anyway, have a great weekend.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Water Baby?!

I went swimming yesterday for the first time. I didn't cry, but I wasn't altogether sure about it either. I think that I will like it. The further I went down in the water, the colder it was, so my little chin would quiver a bit, but then daddy wrapped me in my towel and I was all nice and warm. I can't wait to go again. It is going to be a hot week this week, so maybe we'll go again soon.
I also had another new experience today, but I'll share that with you tomorrow, one thing at a time. You'll laugh, probably. It's time for me to go to bed now, so we'll talk again tomorrow. Sleep well and dream sweet. bye.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

It's Good to be Clean!

At least this is what my mom says, when she gives me a bath. I wasn't to excited about taking baths at first, in fact I cried the whole first time, but then the next time, mom was soothing and kept saying, "It's good to be clean, it's good to be clean...." I guess I got used to the idea and now actually enjoy being in the water. Mom and dad take turns giving me my bath every other night.
It helps me to sleep at night, it is so very soothing and relaxing. No wonder mom likes them so much. That's about all for now. Have a great rest of your weekend. Thanks for checking up on me.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Mom & Me

This weekend Grandma and Grandpa came to visit. We had a good time together. They took me for plenty of walks (they must not have much to do where they live since they walk so much!). I also got to show them how big I've gotten and how I can turn over, lift my head up real high, and kick and stand (with a little help, of course) really well!

I give them plenty of smiles since I don't get to see them too often. Mom and me even got to show them how I can laugh.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lions & Tigers & ....Giraffes?!

Welcome to my safari...if mom did things right, you should be able to see more pictures of it along the side of the blog, if not, be patient, she is still learning all the ins and outs of this blog deal...

I will get to know my animals before most little girls, because I have wide variety in my room (even snakes and alligators). Mom found these really cool stickers you can put on the wall at the dollar store, so she has decorated the walls with them. They peel right off, so they don't hurt the wall, that's the best part about them, other than being just a dollar.

Well, this week has been much quieter than the past few weeks. Not much new happening here, I do the same old, same old, still working on the tummy to back thing, will I ever get it?!

Grandma and Grandpa B are coming for a visit tomorrow for the weekend, so I wonder what fun things we will do together. Thanks for visiting my room.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Behold the Power Nap

This should have been written on Friday, but mom got a little busy, so bear with her please. I have to admit I was a handful that day. For some reason I decided I only needed 10 minute naps instead of my usual 30-45 minute ones. Mom would just get started on something and I would wake up, oh well, I only needed to recharge my batteries, I didn't need any more time than that...she should be glad I at least took some nap, what's with the complaining anyway?!

I had a very busy weekend too, so I am a tired girl, we went
to church and then the church people had a surprise reception for my daddy's recent graduation from seminary, (whatever that is...). I was the center of attention of course, then we went to uncle Terry and aunt Mel's house and I got to meet some more friends and family. Whew!!!

Anyway, today was my regrouping day, time to just veg and sleep and get back to myself...hopefully tomorrow I will be back to my normal cheery self. I'll get on mom about writing more regularly, I have people to keep up with and who want to know about me too. Hope you all had a great weekend.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

O The Joy

Hello world, I'm Anna and I am going to be sharing with you the wonders that come my way as I's the latest thing I can do, check it out!

Look at me, I can roll over onto my tummy....the hard part is rolling over to my back, I kick and push and grunt, but nothing seems to be happening? Will someone help me? O wait, do I want someone to help me? I can do it BY MYSELF!!:) Sometimes I do it accidentally and then I can't remember how I did it, woe is me...Anyway, that is my newest wonder....I'll add more when the next big thing (which is everything so far) happens for me. Thanks for the visit.